Re: the horror, the horror

Friedman (
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 16:50:55 -0800 (PST)

I remember seeing that movie in the theatres, but I can not recollect
much of it. I dozed off in the middle portion of the moie. I suppose
that if one was an epic romance, Gone with the Wind type person then
he/she would enjoy it, but for the rest of us it is a real downer.
-Liz Friedman
 As a matter of interest, did any other Bananafish manage 
>     to sit through the entirety of that unending, arse-achingly 
>     pretentious desert of fatuity?  Despite a rigorous search through 
>     friends, family, acquaintances & patients I've been unable to
>     anyone who did not slink, stalk or stride out of the cinema after 
>     the thirtieth or so minute.  I myself left considerably earlier.
>     Scottie B.    

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