Re: the horror, the horror

Camille Scaysbrook (
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 19:15:56 +1100

Paul Kennedy wrote:
> .......and (although it may mean that I must have the tatoo of the red
> maple leaf removed from my right pec....) I'm afraid I must agree.  It
> almost as bad as a similarly over-praised under-imagined epic film from
> something like ten years ago--Out of Africa....

I am afraid I'm going to throw my hat into the `English Patient The Movie
is A Dog' pile. I'm sorry (it's not just because it took Oscars away from
`Romeo + Juliet, either (: ). And Paul, it's extremely big of you to admit
it. (: I haven't read the book but I may well do so now. Speaking of
writers from your hallowed isle I have decided that I would rather ten
Margaret Atwoods than one AS Byatt - much as I liked `Possession' ...

Your ideas about what ended up `happening' to Holden I noticed match up
remarkably with another story of a famous adolescent - that of Arthur
Rimbaud! After all, isn't TCIR just Holden's `A Season In Hell' ??? (: I
wouldn't worry enormously about Holden's potential demise - to me the
Holden in `This Sandwich has no Mayonnaise' isn't the `real' Holden - he's
sort of like the first Kermit the Frog, who wasn't really a frog at all and
had ping pong balls for eyes, if you know what I mean (nor is D.B. really
D.B. - he doesn't even have the same name - `Vincent'). He's an earlier
version of something that later became quite different, even from `Slight
Rebellion Of Madison' to `Catcher' ... sorry to keep mentioning the
Holdenese short stories but I've gotten so much insight out of reading them
I'm thinking of writing a paper on them - not for any academic institution,
just for my self. What a geek I am (:
