Re: Reloaded with plastic pea pellets; a rant for Jim

From: L. Manning Vines <>
Date: Mon May 19 2003 - 19:08:52 EDT

Sorry, Daniel. I didn't see this before posting the other one. This is the
mythico-pseudo-history I referred to.


> There is a whole cultic(?) thing out of France that has been floating
> for a while. They claim that Jesus faked his resurrection married the
> Magdalene and migrated to Europe with Joseph of Arithmea (a relative).
> descendants had some sort of powers associated with long hair and were
> establishers of the Merovingian Monarchy line in Europe. This Line was
> usurped and a deal was made with Rome. Some how this thing has survived
> the genealogies are kept and the teachings of this group both mystical and
> philosophical are associated with prominent names in art, academia,
> Politics etc from the enlightenment to today. I am not making this hooey
> up. Apparently there are some prominent people who promote this who are
> the French government and other places. I initially ran across it in a
> called Holy Blood Holy Grail. I normally would have just dismissed it out
> of hand but its themes and specific teachings have cropped up in a whole
> bunch of places. They are advocating some sort of global leader to unite
> the world politically and economically. I dismiss it as conspiracy theory
> crap but as an idea it seems to be spreading like SARS if this is the
> that the bros are talking about then it seems to have garnered a main
> cultural reference. It seems to appeal to the 'postmodern' who feels
> betrayed by the promises of Modernism and who can't accept traditional
> Christianity. It claims to have long roots. Priory of Sion is their
> membership corp I don't know much else about it except that it is a real
> organization that propositioned a friend who had a club named "The
> Coenobitic order of the Brotherhood of St Adrian". It was only a Medieval
> history Recreation Group but apparently this French Group thought that
> were on their wave length and of course it just freaked out my friend for
> good reason. Have you heard of this stuff?
> Daniel

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