Re: innocent no more

Camille Scaysbrook (
Thu, 27 May 1999 17:34:51 +1000

I'm sorry, Jordie, I must change my mind. I'd now like to steal Scottie's
story to use as a short story (: Beautiful stuff. What is it about
Christmas - and we must remember that Catcher is set around Christmas time
- that is so delicately heartbreaking, poignant, and joyous all at the same


>     I wonder did I *ever* believe in Santa Claus?  
>     I somehow doubt it.  I seem to have imbibed 
>     scepticism along with my mother's milk.  
>     The question does, however, evoke a vivid memory 
>     which - thanks to a particular circumstance - I can 
>     date rather precisely.   
>     On the eve of my seventh birthday (Dec. 23), I was 
>     walking home with my father along a snow covered 
>     street in the small country town in Scotland where 
>     we lived at that time.  It was a night bright with a big, 
>     full moon.  Trying - as ever - to be the comic, I made 
>     a great pantomime of suddenly glancing up at the sky 
>     & acting as if stunned by a fleeting glimpse of Santy 
>     & his reindeer already on their way, two days early.  
>     My father reacted with a dramatic continuation 
>     of the same pretence.  When he persisted with the charade, 
>     though - even after I'd insisted I was only fooling - 
>     he did so with the kind of knowing smile that made 
>     us both conspirators.
>     It was a wonderfully satisfying episode.  *I* knew that 
>     *he* knew that *I* knew there was no such individual.  
>     In maintaining the joke, however, he had quite suddenly 
>     brought me into the company of the grown ups - 
>     the grown ups who maintain a vast edifice of rubbish 
>     with the specific purpose of keeping stupid people 
>     & small children in their place.  
>     I realised I'd now been promoted out of their company.  
>     I was one of the big boys at last.
>     Scottie B.