Re: letter to Nicola

Camille Scaysbrook (
Wed, 04 Nov 1998 13:37:40 +1100

Like I've said MANY times before ... the ideal scholar is the one who can
balance emotion with intellect. I think that's why I'm so fond of the
metaphysical poets. I always resent people who turn everything into a
theory (the tutor who returned my essay with a lousy mark and the comment
`Your opinion is never a substitute for serious engagement with literary
theory' is foremost in my mind here') But that's not to say literary theory
can't be helpful.


> Those who only think don't really understand those who feel.  Those who
> only feel--like Scottie--don't understand those who think (but think they
> do :) ).  Those who do both, well, tend to be confused half the time...
> I read Joyce's Portrait, and Felt, and then I did my senior honors thesis
> on it, and never wanted to read another word of Joyce again :)  So the
> danger's there.

> I know your question was directed toward Will, but somehow I think he's
> managed to avoid the danger.  If you choose to remain an English major
> you're going to have to face this and overcome it somehow.