Re: the greatest album ever

Scottie Bowman (
Tue, 02 Nov 1999 10:56:52 +0000

    In this ignorant land of dark honkings, weird mutterings 
    & wombat calls - out of the olive grove steps at last, 
    a slender, upright figure of Classical purity.  Of course.  
    Who else could it ever have been but Stephen holding 
    out as an offering his scroll of Elysian music? 

    What a relief.  And what a gracious, ungrudging tribute 
    to my compatriots.  As the heart-stopping curve of 
    'Here, there & everwhere' uncoils in one's head, 
    these old Brit eyes grow wet with poignant memory 
    & gratitude.

    Scottie B.