good insults make good friends

Scottie Bowman (
Tue, 09 Nov 1999 07:36:18 +0000

    'Chink' is, of course, a straightforward insult.  

    In this world where sincerity has been 
    so greatly debased I find that the only 
    relationships one can rely on are those 
    where affection & regard are normally 
    expressed in terms of abuse.  I'm not much 
    interested in persons or groups of persons 
    who make a thing out of the way they're 
    addressed or referred to - except professionally 
    where I get paid to help people with that degree 
    of insecurity.  And when it comes to condescension 
    I can think of few more ludicrous examples 
    than the voice of the liberal conscience 
    presuming to defend three hundred billion, 
    billion Chinese with a culture extending back 
    many thousands of years from the squibs 
    of an elderly, cantakerous Jock. 

    That, however, is one of the great attractions 
    of Bananafish for a poor angler with a rifle.  
    There's never any shortage of plump, speckle-
    bellied, liberal consciences swimming around 
    in the barrel.

    I wonder, TLM, are you wise to remind us 
    of the bare glories of the King James Bible?  
    Can you imagine, on his very, very best day, 
    the Sage of Cornish ever writing:  

            None shall be weary nor stumble among them;
            none shall slumber nor sleep;
            neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed,
            nor the latchet of their shoes be broken:

    Incidentally, who(m) do we thank for this?  
    An ancient Jewish prophet, or a committee of 
    Anglican prelates, or - as I suspect - one unnamed, 
    individual Master?

    Scottie B.