RE: however, this is a tragic situation

From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Wed Oct 01 2003 - 12:12:04 EDT

Yet John, despite all your classroom time you aren't able to escape rampant
stupidity yourself and that does not shake your faith in it. So, the
content of all that careful, patient, responsible, and thorough reading is
irrelevant? Among other things? Once again John your rhetoric is weak.
This is the best response that the expert in the classroom is capable of?
It reminds me of that old saying, "those who can, do and those who can't go
into academia."

I am beginning to think that most of the anti-academic silliness on this
list was already in the hearts and minds of people even while they were in
the classroom. That would explain the resulting rampant stupidity.

Daniel at one point asked me what I teach my students. Among other things,
I teach them to read carefully, patiently, responsibly, and thoroughly.

I'm really not sorry if that makes me part of some dangerous ideological

Whether it's Plato or Kafka, ancient texts or modern ones, the goal is the
same and I'm proud of the results.

Bye for now,

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