Re: brushing shoulders with Holden Caulfield?

From: Anne <>
Date: Wed Oct 29 2003 - 13:25:17 EST

> I think the real issue is...why are we so surprised
> that a rich kid is
> unhappy? Do we really think money would do it for
> us?
> Jim
I think that there will always be a sense of disbelief
when we learn of someone who's rich and unhappy. Of
course money really has nothing to do with emotions,
and there are other stress factors in their lives, but
on the other hand there's the thought that they will
never have to worry about where the next month's rent
is coming from or whether or not they'll be able to
afford groceries. Their concerns are often foreign to
us, as ours probably are to them. In fact, our
respective problems probably seem trivial to each
group. Ah well, c'est la vie, I guess. I hope this
makes sense.

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