Re: view point

Emily Friedman (
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 19:55:18 -0700 (PDT) wrote:
>   I was talking to my friend today and oddly enough the topic of JD
> came up.  She said she was in her AP English class and her teacher
struck up a
> conversation about JD Salinger and his works.  She then proceeded to
ask me
> why I had such an interest in his stories.  I guess her teacher was
> the class that she hated Salinger because she felt that in he
started or
> atleast furthered a negative stereotype about teenagers. (Catcher) 
I figure
> she must have missed the point of the story or read it as an adult
with little
> understanding of teenage feelings/thoughts.   Also, it's totally
ridiculous to
> base your whole opinion of an author on one work, she's a teacher
> suppose to know better.  Just wondering what you guys thought about
> I've never heard this particular view point before.
> Morgan
That's an interesting point Morgan. I first read Catcher in middle
school and 2 more times in high school so I guess that I identified
with Holden because I kind of understood him and the story really
apealed to me. Some old people may not like Catcher because when it
came out it was considered to be pretty radical I guess because of the
language and everything. I had an old history teacher who didn't like
Salinger because my teacher was too conservative I guess. Most people
don't first read Catcher as adults but as teenagers. Many people don't
know of Salinger's other works and they think he only writes of teen
angst or something. I had an english teacher who said that Salinger is
a one hit wonder because he wrote only 1 sucessful book but I think
that that is B.S. because he has written some great stories. 
-Liz Friedman
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