Who wrote Holden Caulfield

Camille Scaysbrook (verona_beach@geocities.com)
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 17:22:07 +1100

I've been meaning to mention this for absolutely ages ... a friend of mine
is a big fan of the band Green Day and she lent me their first album.
There's a song on it called `Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?' It's actually
quite clever ... if I was a high school English teacher I would probably
play this to my class and give them a copy of the lyrics to get them
interested in the book - especially because the lyrics do a good job of
giving you an idea of the character (the only lyrics I remember are the
chorus: it was something like `There's a boy who wants to take a stand/But
always ends up sitting') Anyone else out there heard it?

P.S. - that isn't an original idea. Our English teacher got us interested
in Wuthering Heights by doing the same thing with the Kate Bush song
Wuthering Heights. We all came to the conclusion that it's a tad hard to
fit a full length Victorian novel into a three minute pop song (: )

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