Re: 9 stories-eskimos

LeeAnn Bryska Magner (
Sat, 31 Oct 1998 05:02:55 -0700

I agree with Lynda's assessment. Salinger gives us a good clue on the first
pageof the story. Ginnie imagines a dinner at Sally's and everything is
perfect - except the servant is serving tennis balls instead of food.
Ginnie usally rides the bus, probably because she isn't as wealthy as
Sally. Sally insists on the cabs - but Ginnie still has to pay for them.
Franklin is like the dead easter chick in that he is pitiable. I, like
akemie, see no love relationship between Ginnie and Franklin. For me the
change in Ginnie's attitude reflects an awakening to the facts of life -
not sexually - but the realities of the dry, tasteless, day-old chicken
sandwich. Life is not perfect for Sally and Franklin, far from it.