Re: JDS storms [ was Re: One other good thing that comes out of

Camille Scaysbrook (
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:51:17 +1000

Jason wrote:
>    Speaking of which, I get the impression that most of JDS's character's
> wouldn't like a storm.  I can see Holden grumbling about the wet rain.
> Zooey would curse the clouds and be sure that they were contriving
> him.  Buddy would never be caught out side, and if he where, would have
> idea what to do, or how to even go about getting under cover.  Seymour
> would look up at the decending rain and notice that the sunlight has
> aquious form and would fear getting a sun burn from all the sun-drops
> falling on his balding head.

In the Ian Hamilton biography a woman whose name escapes me mentions
meeting JDS at a party. She said he ticked her off a little because
everything she said was interpreted by him as a cliche. She told him she
loved walking in the rain. He replied that no one *really* likes walking in
the rain. It's just a cliche.Then he asked her to elope. No kidding! That
crazy sonuvabitch (:
