Re: I had to share these :)

Tim O'Connor (
Sun, 17 Oct 1999 11:48:48 -0400

At 9:44 PM -0400 on 10/16/1999, Jim wrote:

> 272 years ago (1727),
>     Political maverick John Wilkes (_Essay on Women_) is born in
>      London. A famous, perhaps apocryphal, interchange will take place
>      with Lord Sandwich, when the latter sputters: "Wilkes, you will die
>      of a pox or on the gallows," to which Wilkes replies: "That depends,
>      my lord, on whether I embrace your lordship's mistress or your
>      lordship's principles."

I've heard this one, but for some reason I always thought it was 
Churchill, who had a few good ripostes of his own, all of which elude 
me at the moment.

It's funny to see little sprouts like this, which may seem irrelevant 
to this list; a lot of this list is about language and communication 
and ephemera, and to my eyes this kind of aside is as valuable as 
additional discourse about Salinger work.  They complement each other.


P.S.  For those who lack the time for going through old mail, the 
September archives are in place and the October ones are being 
cleaned up so I can put them up soon after the end of the month.  At 
some point in the future -- I'll be sending out advance information 
-- the home website for this list's archive will very likely change. 
A bit farther down the road, the list's address may also change from 
"" to "bananafish@SOME.WHERE.ELSE," the 
latter part yet to be determined.  Before that happens, I'll 
carpet-bomb places to get the word out, and will ask all 
co-conspirators to update links on their web pages.