I had to share these :)

Sat, 16 Oct 1999 21:44:51 -0400 (EDT)

272 years ago (1727),

    Political maverick John Wilkes (_Essay on Women_) is born in
     London. A famous, perhaps apocryphal, interchange will take place
     with Lord Sandwich, when the latter sputters: "Wilkes, you will die
     of a pox or on the gallows," to which Wilkes replies: "That depends,
     my lord, on whether I embrace your lordship's mistress or your
     lordship's principles."

172 years ago (1827),

    In Edinburgh, Thomas Carlyle, 31, marries Jane Welsh--the Jenny of
     Leigh Hunt's "Say I'm weary, say I'm sad / Say that health and wealth
     have missed me, / Say I'm growing old, but add, / Jenny kissed me."
     The marriage will be tempestuous. Samuel Butler sums up: "It was good
     of God to let Carlyle and Mrs. Carlyle marry one another and so make
     only two people miserable instead of four."