Re: in the beginning ,,,

Matt Kozusko (
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 10:09:57 -0500

It's been a long, mostly dull conversation.  This, of course, is the
one I've been waiting for.  Anxiously.  Fingers stumbling aimlessly,
flippantly through the drivel and bilge that I click out of my
keyboard, one eye casually fixed on the spine of a weathered edition
of _Ecrits_, the other rabidly flitting from name to name in my inbox
looking for the good doctor.  He, I know, is reclining somehwere in a
wooden sunchair at the far end of a long lawn, in a white linen suit,
a mint julip in one hand and the barrel of a shiny 1910 Westley
Richards Double in the other.  


>     Unless you include the visual
>     images of real items in my head as such.  Is that what
>     you mean?  


>     What balls.

As in "bollocks"?


Matt Kozusko