Re: 20/20 List

jason varsoke (
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 11:37:56 -0400 (EDT)

_Franny & Zooey_ - JD Something-or-other
_Lolita_ -Nabokov
_Ender's Game_ - Orson Scott Card
_Speaker for the Dead_ - Orson Scott Card
_Irrational Man_ - William Barrett
_Brothers Karamazov_ - Dostovyevsky (yeah I know, not 20th cent)
_Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #134_ (the silent episode)
_Peter's Quotations_ - Peter ?
_Where I'm Calling From & Other stories_ Ray Carver
_Breakfast of Champions_ - Vonnegut
_The Main_ - Trevian
_Atlas Shrugged_ - Aynn Rand
_The Stranger_ - Albert Camus
_Art of Fiction_ - John Warner
_On the Road_ - Jack Kerowac
_Penterra_ - Pat Moffett
_M-80_ - Jim Daniels
_For Whom The Bell Tolls_ - Hemingway
_Being & Nothingness_ - Sartre
_The Dragonlance Cronicles_ - Tracy Hickman & Margaret Weiss
_All in the Timing_ - David Ives
_Jumpers_ - Stoddard