RE: New article at metaphim

From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Wed Sep 17 2003 - 11:10:22 EDT

So you assume the call to remember 9/11 is call for vengeance? When people
encourage each other to remember, it is no different than the guilt free
Lion King Type vengeance? Interesting leap Jim. There are other reasons
for remembering. To assume that everyone's reason has the same motivation
seems to bring us back to our discussion about valid and invalid
generalizations. Do we want to remember that in all it's glory?

Check out my new article at Metaphilm: "The Lion King: Hamletand the Myth of
Happy Vengeance."

It argues that Disney's The Lion King is a reworking of Shakespeare's Hamlet
that reinforces the idea of vengeance as a real solution to problems, rather
than the final act of a tragic chain of events.

Jim Rovira

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