RE: New article at metaphim

From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Wed Sep 17 2003 - 11:29:05 EDT

Hardly Jim, with this tucked in the tail of a whole article comparing
vengeance between Lion King and Hamlet. Gnats and camels Jim and who
swallows what.
"This is starting to sound all too familiar. I'm writing this three days
after the latest round of 9/11 vigils, patriotic speeches,
"we'll-never-forgets" (it's not a matter of never forgetting, it's a matter
of being allowed to stop thinking about it for even a single day), after
months of news about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the aftermath that
never seems to end-and never mind the seemingly endless mutual retaliation
between Israelis and Palestinians.

We can make the world a better place simply by killing off the bad guys.
Right. I can think of nothing more appropriate than a reminder of the
futility of vengeance around the time of September 11. It's nice to know Bin
Laden and the U.S. government have so much in common. It's even nicer to
know that Disney, and the rest of the U.S. media, is there right behind them


Daniel, that's a pretty big interpretive leap of my article. No, calls to
"remember 9/11" weren't described by me as a call to vengeance. I was just
providing background for the ideas being presented.



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