RE: "fun" is the opposite of "important"

From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 10:43:59 EDT

Why are you wearing a suit?
The Doc told my I was impotent so I am dressing impotent.

    I drifted reluctantly into a medical career, nudged by family
    & happenstance: a pursuit highly paid & mind-bendingly boring
    - when it wasn't stomach-churningly revolting. And with a bunch
    of uniformly unimaginative, uneducated golfers for colleagues.

    Then, again purely by chance, a temporary job in a mental hospital.
    What larks, Pip, what larks! I never realised work could be such
    fun. And so it has remained - for the past fifty, hilarious, engrossing

    On the other hand, from the beginning, the longing closest to my heart
    was - & remains - to write better than Ernest Miller Hemingway.

    How I loathe it, loathe it, loathe it. Every minute at the desk.
    It's a fucking crucifixion.

    Yet they're both, it goes without saying, of the very highest

    Scotte B.

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