RE: "fun" is the opposite of "important"

From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 11:20:43 EDT

Who the hell do you work with? Sometimes work is fun and important and
sometimes it is unimportant and fun and sometimes it's a drudge and
important and sometimes it's a drudge and vain. Ditto for every other
activity under the sun. Who taught you how to work? What do you mean by
fun? What do you mean by important? Take off that suit, yaa, yaa I know
that you think you're impotent but take it off any way.

...but their work is either fun or important, and not both. if they're
having fun, it can't be all that important. can say it's fun. but why lie?
Barry Duffman
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