Re: Burroughs last words

Malcolm Lawrence (
Thu, 25 Sep 1997 21:30:31 -0700


I'm afraid no one's come close to Voltaire's last words.  If there
was anyone the Catholics were convinced would be going to Hell it was
him.  Sitting by Voltaire's deathbed, his nurse accidentally caught a
piece of paper on fire while too close to a candle flame.  Voltaire
opened his eyes a moment, stared at the tiny conflagration, and said,
"Les flammes?  Deja?"  (The flames?  Already?)

Witty to the last.

There's a line in a Burroughs  novel (The Place of Dead Roads) where he
quotes General Grant's last words:

"It is raining in the Jimenez mountains. It is raining in East
Huffington. Last words of General Grant, circuits in his brain
flickering out like heat lightning, he wonders."