Re: an atheist speaks . . .
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 19:38:29 -0400

>Now, by "eastern" I'm speaking of the Vedas, really, and beliefs
>influenced by them.  Esp. the Upanishads.  The chief revelation for a
>human being to attain within the context of the Upanishads is to realize
>that "I am God and God is me."   That there is no difference between the
>individual and the Divine--between anything and the Divine. That God is
>the ground of all being and the underlying substance of everything.  And
>that, therefore, all differences are moot--are illusory, in fact.  


>That's what makes your statements really interesting.  I think, within
>the context of the spirituality underlying Salinger's work, that when we
>say, "wait, it was us all along," that is true.  It was us AND it was
>God, because there is no difference between the two.

Salinger himself made this clear also in "Teddy" when Teddy discusses an
incident to that guy (I REALLY should remember his name) where he was
staring at his sister pouring milk into a glass, and realized that his
sister was God, and the glass was God, and the milk was God, and that
"God was pouring God into God."


 G.H.G.A.Paterson  (804)662-3737