Re: Brothers Karamazov

From: Robert Pollack <>
Date: Wed Apr 16 2003 - 23:26:34 EDT

Thanks, Diego. The anecdote is very interesting -- I have a certain filial
interest in any great writer or celebrity who is also an Argentine Jew. I
read his claimed response (presumably his response as an adult) to Quixote
in translation to be something like the impression most of the people here
would probably have to Hamlet's saying Être ou ne pas être.


> Very interesting, Robbie. By the way, the essay of your opportune
> remark is "Las versiones homéricas". It's in one of Borges' early
> volumes, called *Discusión*.
> The following biographical anecdote, however, might give an earnest
> scholar and translator pause. Borges read the *Quijote* for the first
> time as a child, in the library of his father. And what he found there
> was an English translation.
> Saludos,
> Diego D.
> -
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