Re: wood it be.

Camille Scaysbrook (
Mon, 27 Apr 1998 17:19:41 +1000

Mine would have to be, in no real order (it's like saying which order you
like you children in). I've taken `book' here to mean anything that can be
written on paper and clamped between two covers :

1) The Catcher in the Rye - who else ???

2) Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov

3) `A Dream Within A Dream' - Edgar Allan Poe (poem)

4) The Complete Works of Shakespeare

5) `14 Stories' - Heinrich Boll

These are the books I'd probably pick up on the way out of any given
burning building (:

By the way, what do you think of `The Bell Jar'. I read it because I'd
heard it called `the female equivalent of `The Catcher in the Rye' so many
times, but I must confess I never made it all the way through - I thought
it was suprisingly badly written; a classic example of the wrong way to
utilise your own experiences in your artmaking (i.e. just presenting
taxidermies of them in a nicer frame). 
