Re: Psychology of a hype

randy royal (
Fri, 08 Aug 1997 00:24:47 +0000

> ObSalinger:  Just saw "Six Degrees of Seperation" the other day.  Loved
> that speech by Will Smith about _Catcher_. I still don't understand how
> anyone could be inspired to violence by the book though. Was he saying that
> people felt justified in killing other people because they're all phonies?
> Or what?  Did people take the "I shoot people in this hat" line seriously,
> and believe that Holden was actually a killer?

david- watch natural born killers- the 2 m.c.s kill people because 
they beleive that their victims are dead in sin and walking around 
oblivisouly- in a sense phoniness. nbk also has alot to say about how 
much the media can fuck with people's idea's of things. haven't seen 
Six degrees of seperation yet. as soon as my parents are gone one 
nite i will rent it. the mcs in nbks weren't inspired by catcher, but 
asimilair line of thoughton a larger scale.
> --David S--
> -
> -
> - "Like hell it is. This is a people shooting
>     hat. I shoot people in this hat."
~cya randy