a watching brief

Scottie Bowman (bowman@mail.indigo.ie)
Thu, 06 Aug 1998 08:49:19 +0000

	Our own JD raises the suspicion - which has been mentioned 
	on the list before - that the other JD, the Great JD, could himself 
	be a member.

	To judge by the prim disapproval which has so swiftly met 
	Joyce Maynard's revelations, the suspicion must be quite widespread. 
	And the hushed, respectful tones which `mr. salinger' is referred 
	to reminds me of nothing so much as the furtive nervousness with 
	which the Catholic members of the class used to cross themselves 
	when one of the naughty atheists stood up & challenged God to strike 
	him down with lightning.

	Scottie B.