Re: That woman, she says she had an affair with that guy.

Michael Tharp (
Thu, 06 Aug 1998 10:02:56 -0700

> One more (I think very important) note to think about: Salinger was, I think,
> concerned with what the average reader (and I think that most of us are, more
> or less) thought about his works (as opposed to his critics (hey, if you
> disagree, just read the dedication to Raise High the Roof Beams, Carpenters,
> etc...)  Has anyone considered that he might even be on this list?

I had thought about it.  I'm sure it is common that people read lists
devoted to themselves or their work.  (Matt Groening, in one of his
"Life in Hell" strips referred to a comment made in  
Salinger could well be an exception, however.  He has said that he is
opposed to fame (which might explain why he has stopped publishing,
though he continues to write), and he may well not be enamored by the
idea of a discussion list among (mostly) Salinger devotees.  (Of course, 
if some sicko on this list were to make a death threat or something like
that, no doubt he'd hear about it.)

Michael Tharp            |     This                 _---_       __  
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