Re: That woman, she says she had an affair with that guy.

Michael Tharp (
Thu, 06 Aug 1998 10:55:59 -0700

On Aug 6, 10:40, Tim O'Connor wrote:
> Subject: Re: That woman, she says she had an affair with that guy.
> > (Of course,
> > if some sicko on this list were to make a death threat or something like
> > that, no doubt he'd hear about it.)
> [This answer is not intended to be either ironic or amusing!]
> Yes ... it would be in extremely poor form to do such a thing here.  We
> abide by the rules that govern use of systems at NYU, and one of the
> actions highly frowned-upon is the issuance of threats -- or other forms of
> menace.
> In other words, I would say that threats against anyone's life are taken
> very seriously by the university's security staff, however ludicrous such
> threats may seem to be.
> --tim o'connor

I believe it.  A friend of mine maintains a web-page creation site.
Somebody submitted a page with a Clinton threat, and MY FRIEND got 
a visit from the FBI.  Apparently this stuff isn't taken lightly.
Anyway, I meant nothing by the example other than that to state, if 
it's important enough, JDS will hear about it.

Michael Tharp            |     This                 _---_       __  
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