Eggs over Maynard, hold the Scotch.

Matt Kozusko (
Mon, 24 Aug 1998 20:38:53 -0400

Tim O'Connor wrote:
> It sounds as if it's head-butting season in these parts again,
> unfortunately.  If it's all the same to you fellows, could you
> take your spat to private mail and keep the personal attacks
> there, not here?  It's not really appropriate or pleasant to be
> on the sidelines watching.

Except that I'm enjoying it immensely.  Would you mind cc-ing the
exchange to me?  

For those who haven't stumbled on it one way or another yet, there is
another account of Joyce Maynard's book--a review--in this week's _New
Yorker_ (aug. 24 & 31).  The reviewer is pro-Salinger, for the most
part, but the excerpts he quotes manage to surpass the excerpts in
_Vanity Fair_ in terms of scurrilousness.  

Matt Kozusko