Re: Eggs over Maynard, hold the Scotch.

Tim O'Connor (
Mon, 24 Aug 1998 21:13:54 -0400

On Mon, Aug 24, 1998 at 08:38:53PM -0400, Matt Kozusko wrote:

> Except that I'm enjoying it immensely.  Would you mind cc-ing the
> exchange to me?  

I can't help giggling at this!  I must have been typing too long today.

> For those who haven't stumbled on it one way or another yet, there is
> another account of Joyce Maynard's book--a review--in this week's _New
> Yorker_ (aug. 24 & 31).  The reviewer is pro-Salinger, for the most
> part, but the excerpts he quotes manage to surpass the excerpts in
> _Vanity Fair_ in terms of scurrilousness.  

A friend of mine down south told me his local paper ran a piece that
seemed to come from a wire service, but he neglected to save it for me.
Did anyone see it?  The Daphne Merkin review in the NYer Matt mentions 
was indeed even more distasteful, but at least she captured the
self-promotional aspects that are part of this spectacle.

--tim o'connor