Re: Eggs over Maynard, hold the Scotch.

Mon, 24 Aug 1998 20:40:40 -0600 (MDT)

I just read "Glass House" by Daphne Merkin in the Aug 24&31 _The New
Yorker_ (153-157)'s funny but I normally would have dived into the
piece but missed it because I was enchanted with James Atlas's piece on
Bellow in the same there's a thread to this that unwinds in
the same way I started buying only salinger rare books but recently found
a first edition of _Humboldt's Gift_ and well, there it is on my salinger if your still weaving and you remember that Bellow character
"Charlie Citrine" you know where I'm heading since I think in the same way
the fictional Bellow (Citrine...) befriends Von Humboldt (Delmore Schwartz
almost...), Maynard was hitching herself to mr. salinger's word
power...that's why I loved the Merkin piece--it shows mr. salinger pulling
away and the fallibility in her running after him with her book...

BTW, I don't think it's wrong for young writers to seek more established
ones for all kinds of support.  Unlike Merkin, I don't fault maynard for
wanting that...but like Merkin, I think it comes down to maynard's sour
grapes because her writing never came close to mr. salinger's.
