Re: No Subject

Subject: Re: No Subject
From: Sean Caruthers (
Date: Thu Dec 14 2000 - 22:23:47 GMT

Bush might not be the greatest speaker, or the greatest leader for that
matter, but I felt as if he were the most logical choice. If you remember,
Reagan was not considered one of the greatest political minds and he did
many great things for our country. I feel that Bush will follow in Reagan's
footsteps by selecting great advisors and a remarkable cabinet. So, the
possiblility of Bush being an inept president is very slim.
The presidential election is not a casting call for a film. I don't feel
like Bush is any less of a leader because he can't read a teleprompter as
well as Gore can. As Clinton demonstrated, the best talker and the best
showman does not always embody the most presidential characteristics. Bush
may not be a great actor, like Clinton or Gore, but he is a good leader and
an honest man of principle; that is just the kind of person we need to
re-establish the integrity of the highest position in our country. Bush
recognizes his limitations and is very well respected for it. He will
surround himself with exceptional people and keep this country moving in
the right direction.
Sean R. Caruthers
Providence College Class of 2003
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