Re: unfair to bush (yeah, so?)

Subject: Re: unfair to bush (yeah, so?)
From: Sean Draine (
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 00:59:46 GMT

"furthermore saddam husseins head on a stick was almost certainly never a
goal of powell or any other strategist in that war."

Actually, George Sr. originally wanted to march into Baghdad and end the
regime. Powell, however, convinced him to pursue the long term strategy of
starving the population to death through economic sanctions, setting up a
'deadly weapons show and tell' program by which the enemy would provide
guided tours of its secret bombs, and setting up a no-fly zone that only
costs a few hundred million a year to enforce. The most brilliant aspect of
this strategy, however, is it's conclusion. It's so brilliant, in fact, that
not even Powell seems able to articulate just what it is. With any luck, in
another 50 years when Saddam and his offspring are dead, the younger
banananfishers will get to see how this brilliant strategy ends.

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