Re: Salinger & Burns (NOT George!)

Paul Kennedy (
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 12:02:06 -0500 (EST)

Hey Scottie!

Given what you say:
>    In my mind, more or less since birth, the name
>    Rabbie Burns has been synonymous with the very 
>    worst aspects of the Scots character: bleary sentimentality,
>    self-pity, drunken incoherence, nervous concupiscence, 
>    envious brotherliness, a fundamental priggishness hiding
>    under displays of false bonhomie.  And the rest.

I'm utterly at a loss when trying to understand the geographical trajectory
of your life.  You've moved from dour Scotland to the utter epicentre of all
the above. (Not that I share your distain for every aspect of the Celtic
character....)  I guess--given your line of work--it brings in the customers....

Cheers, (oops!--rather "Sober regards")
