Re: J.D., J.F.K. and I

Subject: Re: J.D., J.F.K. and I
From: Valérie Aron (
Date: Sat Jul 21 2001 - 13:44:43 GMT

--- Will Hochman <> wrote:
>> Valerie, can you say more about your test on the
> Silent? I
> taught For Esme last week and I enjoy stressing the
> deep
> communication of silent love...not something
> tangible exactly for
> list life, but Salinger readers are usually in the
> know about this
> subject.
  Dear Will,
it was not a literature test , but what we call in
french "culture générale" (I think it exists in France
and anywhere else...): actually, it means we have to
treat a subject (here "THe silent", but it can be
something like "What is citizenship today?", or , more
ambivalent: "The poison") and we can base our remarks
on history, philosophy, literature, cinema...
 I used Salinger and his self-imposed silence: it's a
way for him to live peacely (or at least one of the
reasons...), but, at the opposite, it produces violent
reactions outside. Moreover, Salinger becomes a myth
thanks to his silence, and the myth is a violent
Anyway, I 'm not sure the teacher knows about

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