Re: EW and recluses

Subject: Re: EW and recluses
Date: Wed Jun 25 1997 - 17:10:45 GMT

yes, the third recluse was delillo and his book was _white noise_, dubbed by the
"pop mag" as the 'disenchanted yuppies bible.' just a little point of
correction to myself, all the comments should have 'disenchanted' inserted
before the group of interest--i.e., "disenchanted hippies" (for v.), and
"disenchanted teens" (for citr). and i only read the magazine because someone
left it on the desk. i swear. besides, it did have the most recent photo of
jds that i've ever seen.--matt
>Pynchon got only an 8?!? While I grant that JDS has been at it longer by
>10-15 years, Pynchon's whereabouts hasn't been widely known for most of his
>40 year publishing career (up until, say, the last five years or so) and
>there were NO new published photographs of the man in that time as well (up
>until recently a couple of stalking media types "found" Pynchon). I've
>always thought of Pynchon as the 'best' literary recluse going, and
>Salinger as the longest running one. I can't say I know much about Delillo,
>though I read and thoroughly enjoyed "White Noise". His reclusiveness I am
>aware of, but how intense he is about it, I haven't any clues.
> To say "V." is a hippie's bible seem a ways off to me. V. is a very dense
>novel by a very young writer (26) published BEFORE (1963) the heyday of the
>hippies. It hardly seems like a novel that hippies would have liked, much
>less perceived as a bible I have my doubts as to whether Pynchon would like
>such an attachment to his first novel. TCITR sure qualifies as the 'teen
>bible' but I think for many of the wrong reasons. I think as much as many
>generations of teens have identified with TCITR, I think JDS wrote it just
>as much for adults to show them the effects of adolescence on teens. It's
>hard to imagine Entertainment Weekly having much sense of the literary
>world's pulse these 3 giants inhabit. Reclusiveness aside, all these
>writers prefer that readers and critics (and others) concern themselves
>with their works and not whether they are public figures being talked about
>in EW or any other Pop Mag.

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