Re: Andrew's musings.......

Camille Scaysbrook (
Mon, 15 Jun 1998 11:16:55 +1000

> FINALLY, I was wondering.....................

Wow that's a big pause there (:

>which Salinger work do any 
> of you feel most depicts his obvious sympathies for Eastern philosophical

> thinking? I was thinking maybe 'Teddy' did in 'Nine Stories', but I'd be 
> interested to find out what other people thought. Please reply to this 
> inquiry! =) 

Hmmm ... my opinion on this changes all the time. Sometimes he marries the
Zen `aesthetic' as well as the philosophy, sometimes these things are
separate and sometimes the Zen is somewhat sublimated, which is what I like
best; not necessarily the ones where Zen is a named theme. For example. I
tend to dislike `Teddy' a little because the message is too `cut and paste'
and didactic. I prefer it when it's a nameless, ineffable part of the
journey, as in TCIR. So to name a story in which the aesthetic - i.e. a
short, perfect utterance - and the philosophy are married ... hmm. That's
tricky. I guess TCIR is to me the closest to that - ironic given it's
Salinger's *longest* utterance (but within the context of novels is fairly
short and compact) ... I'll have to think about this one though.
