Re: Awfully Quiet in Here

Subject: Re: Awfully Quiet in Here
From: Roberto Terenziani (
Date: Fri Mar 02 2001 - 13:44:48 GMT

>You remind me of something. Jean Daumier-Smith is featured rather
>prominently in a small gallery in a back cubbyhole of the Art Institute
>in Chicago. I ran across it again the other day. I'd forgotten all
>about it.
>It seems that though he was quite an artist in all respects, he was
>particularly well-known for his caricature work. He had a talent for
>seeing, and portraying vividly, the truth about a famous person about
>town. Interesting, no? That de Daumier-Smith should have picked that
>particular artist for his namesake?
>So add that information to the already-discussed harlequins. Masks and
>seeing through them.

Beautiful caricatures, indeed... I had the chance to see some of them just
two weeks ago at the Gare D'Orsay Museum in Paris :-) unfortunately, I
wasn't able to take any picture of them, since my camera wouldn't agree
with me on not using the flash (automatic for the (lazy) people, that is).


P.S.: I've just read a celebrative article for the 50th of 'Catcher' on a
weekly magazine... in Italian
Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this
is mine: I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known. (Nick
Carraway, from _The Great Gatsby_ )

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