Re: Suzanne Morine's art contest

Subject: Re: Suzanne Morine's art contest
From: Mattis Fishman (
Date: Mon Mar 26 2001 - 18:07:43 GMT

    Thank you, Suzanne, for converting Scottie's drawing into a
    gif format and for making it available on your site, despite
    your suspicions (which I hope have been dispelled by now).

    And Scottie, I have to say I am truly amazed by your work.
    It is really a lovely rendering, though I am intrigued that you
    identified such a noble countenance with Seymour, with whom
    you are less than impressed, rather than with, say, someone
    who had spent his young manhood imagining himself to be
    Lord Byron. I am doubly impressed that you to took the obvious
    effort to produce something that could be called artwork (as
    opposed to a visual pun, or merely a graphical opinion) for the
    sake of showing interest in Suzanne's contest. Though I guess
    I should not have been surprised, since your past habit of
    commenting, hovever caustically at times, could also be seen
    as simply giving posters the reassurance that they were not
    posting into a vacuum - and a biting reply may be preferable to
    the awful silence that prevails these days.

    Of course, my favorite post was your last one. That little sabre-
    rattling that immediately recalled the scene in Cyrano, where after
    he has igorned Christian's taunts, his fellow guards return and
    take advantage of the momentary good grace to ridicule his famous
    proboscis. Ah, the growls are reassuring.

    all the best,

    Cyrano and Seymour's widower
    possessed love mixed with memory and desire,
    the fire's warming glow, without the fire

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