Re: sound recordings

Subject: Re: sound recordings
From: Tim O'Connor (
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 08:29:45 GMT

On Wed, May 10, 2000 at 09:11:37AM -0400, Mattis Fishman wrote:

> Oh, you might like to know that I am talking about E. B. White reading
> Charlotte's Web (my "reading" schedule is not exactly intellectual).

Oh, I LOVE that recording. I have that and Stuart Little, though Stuart
is read by Julie Harris, not by EBW. Just the twists and turns in the
White voice hint at how delightful it must have been. (I love how he
rattles off that Salingerian list of the contents of Wilbur's slops

> The Fates that dictate that you never find anything you like on
> the radio once you start pushing the "scan" button, once graced me
> and I ended up with an old interview with Mr. White in which he
> described how much he enjoyed making the recording, especially
> the part (in the early going) where Wilbur escapes...

Gee, that would be neat to find. I often wonder at the ephemera that
still manages to escape into this over-connected and recorded world....

How was the reaction to Charlotte's Web? I read it rather late in
childhood, but recall being devastated by it. I was sad for weeks

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