For what it's worth...
Thu, 13 May 1999 20:03:34 -0400 (EDT)

My splendid and magnificent listmates,

I read today "Hapworth 16, 1924" and I am interested in discussing it with 
everyone who wishes.  My English teacher (not even a professor, as I said, 
I'm a youngun) says the story is so encoded and cryptic and impossible to 
comprehend.  My biggest problem with my reading was that I didn't understand 
where she was coming from.  After a second reading I could probably make out 
most of the symbols, but overall, I thought it was a better character study 
than anything else.

I guess it's a bad thing that I can relate to Seymour in the story (parts 
from when I was seven and parts at the present) but I won't commit suicide; 
unlike Seymour I have no faith in Zen and value my life plenty, thank you 
very much.  Excuse the circumlocution and awkward sentence construction, I'm 
a vicitm of style.