Bananafish Archives, August, 1999 by thread
Starting: Sun 01 Aug 1999 - 01:24:22 EDT
Ending: Tue 31 Aug 1999 - 19:23:48 EDT
Messages: 561
- Re: Star Wars Racist?
- Re: Star Wars Racist?
- Re: disgusted (Tunbridge Wells) Thor Cameron
- Re: Franny & Section Men Thor Cameron
- Re: Franny sectioned Thor Cameron
- Re: disgusted (Tunbridge Wells)
- Re: Franny & Section Men
- Re: Franny & Section Men James J Rovira
- Re: Franny sectioned James J Rovira
- Re: Franny & Section Men
- Re: Star Wars Racist? James J Rovira
- Re: Franny sectioned Thor Cameron
- Re: Franny sectioned James J Rovira
- Re: Star Wars Racist?
- Re: Franny & Section Men Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: Star Wars Racist? Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: Franny sectioned Camille Scaysbrook
- (no subject) Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: Read OR Write Camille Scaysbrook
- Fw: Franny sectioned Camille Scaysbrook
- Fw: Franny & Section Men Camille Scaysbrook
- Fwd: southern cross Camille Scaysbrook
- Fw: The Writers One Loves Camille Scaysbrook
- Fw: Sonny? Camille Scaysbrook
- Fw: JD Who? Camille Scaysbrook
- Fw: Hooked on classics Camille Scaysbrook
- Fw: Franny sectioned Camille Scaysbrook
- Fw: read OR write Camille Scaysbrook
- Fw: Franny & Section Men Camille Scaysbrook
- Fw: Franny sectioned Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: Franny sectioned Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: Star Wars Racist?
- Re: Franny sectioned
- Re: Franny sectioned
- Hello!
- letter to Jocelyn Scottie Bowman
- Re: Franny sectioned Scottie Bowman
- Response to Scottie's letter to Jocelyn Jonathan Moritz
- Re: RESPONSE TO:Response to Scottie's letter to Jocelyn Paul Kennedy
- Re: RESPONSE TO:Response to Scottie's letter to Jocelyn Laughing Man
- Re: Star Wars Racist? jason varsoke
- Re: Star Wars Racist? Mattis Fishman
- Mattis: Re to Re Paul Kennedy
- Re: Star Wars Racist?
- Re: Franny sectioned
- Re: Star Wars Racist?
- same name
- So let me see if I've got this one right... Cecilia A. Baader
- Re: Star Wars Racist? Anna Lewandowski
- This is my first message Carl and er son
- Re: Franny sectioned Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: Star Wars Racist?
- Franny disciplined Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: Franny sectioned Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: RESPONSE TO:Response to Scottie's letter to Jocelyn Tim O'Connor
- Re: Star Wars Racist? Tim O'Connor
- Re: Star Wars Racist? Tim O'Connor
- Re: Star Wars Racist? Anna Lewandowski
- Waker ( a bit long) Mark Sheely
- letter to Tim Scottie Bowman
- Re: same name (call for help included) Laughing Man
- Re: Star Wars Racist? Paul Kennedy
- letter to list Paul Kennedy
- Re: same name (call for help included)
- Dylan only? Car Land Er Son
- Abra and Zen Car Land Er Son
- Me and my macaroni Car Land Er Son
- Re: Star Wars Racist?
- Re: Star Wars Racist? Anna Lewandowski
- Re: Star Wars Racist? Paul Kennedy
- Gardening at Night Car Land Er Son
- Re: Star Wars Racist?
- Re: Star Wars Racist? Anna Lewandowski
- identity revealed Scottie Bowman
- Re: same name (call for help included) Laughing Man
- Re: oasis Ed Fenning
- Re: Star Wars Racist?
- Inverted Forest
- More Chuckles from The Laughing Man Byrd, Steven T
- Holy Palmer's Kiss Cecilia A. Baader
- What to make of Holden Sean Draine
- RE: Me and my macaroni Sean Draine
- Me and my macaroni dream is so unreal Car Land Er Son
- Pet Sounds Car Land Er Son
- RE: Me and my macaroni Catherine Marie
- Me and Neecha Scottie Bowman
- Methodological thoughts Laughing Man
- RE: the unexamined life (was: Me and my macaroni) jason varsoke
- RE: the unexamined life (was: Me and my macaroni) Laughing Man
- RE: Me and my macaroni Sean Draine
- RE: Inverted Forest Koji Mochidome
- letter to Colin Scottie Bowman
- RE: letter to Tim Sean Draine
- Re: letter to Colin (a quick add on) Byrd, Steven T
- letter to mattis (was letter to Tim) Sundeep Dougal
- lead, kindly light... Scottie Bowman
- and another thing. . . :)
- Elaine
- hello out there...
- Re: letter to Colin (a quick add on) Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: letter to Colin (a quick add on) Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: More Chuckles from the Laughing Man Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: Fw: Fw: Y2K (fwd)
- Re: Fw: Fw: Y2K (fwd)
- distance and fiction Mattis Fishman
- Re: lead, kindly light or whatevah - thanks Sundeep Ed Fenning
- Re: More Chuckles from the Laughing Man Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: More Chuckles from the Laughing Man Camille Scaysbrook
- Real World Eric Bartelt
- Just testing Laughing Man
- One Hand Clapping.... Paul Kennedy
- Pari.... ABRA
- Fwd: Fw: Fw: Y2K (fwd)
- Fwd: Me and my macaroni dream is so unreal
- Re: lead, kindly light or whatevah - thanks Sundeep
- RE: Real World Sean Draine
- Salinger's world Scottie Bowman
- Salinger's world Sam Sundberg
- RE: Real World Sean Draine
- RE: Salinger's world Sean Draine
- RE: Salinger's world Sean Draine
- RE: Salinger's world Sean Draine
- SV: Salinger's world Sam Sundberg
- RE: Real World Sean Draine
- RE: Real World Sean Draine
- Stephen King
- they said, one day you'll find... Scottie Bowman
- unfortunately, more Scottie Bowman
- Re: Ideas, finite and infinite Ed Fenning
- Re: "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" Ed Fenning
- bath night Scottie Bowman
- Crossword puzzles Anna Lewandowski
- Re: The Sounds of Silence or Salinger's John fetish
- Re: The Sounds of Silence or Salinger's John fetish
- cracking the code Scottie Bowman
- lowercase will is back not to basics William Hochman
- a democratic teacher Scottie Bowman
- Welcome back Will! Paul Kennedy
- Re: "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" Ed Fenning
- Re: Ideas, finite and infinite Camille Scaysbrook
- the complete works Scottie Bowman
- Re: The Sounds of Silence or Salinger's John fetish Camille Scaysbrook
- advice to Camille Scottie Bowman
- I beg to differ than that... Scottie Bowman
- Re: Ideas, finite and infinite William Hochman
- Re: 8/16 Ideas, finite and...Australian author info. Ed Fenning
- not butter, guns Scottie Bowman
- checks & bullets Scottie Bowman
- Re: Ideas, finite and infinite Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: 8/16 Ideas, finite and...Australian author info. Camille Scaysbrook
- John Smith Camille Scaysbrook
- Pots and Kettles, Pots and Kettles...
- scripts/punctuation Colin Pink
- Re: no gutter, just buns Ed Fenning
- Re: no gutter, just buns Paul Kennedy
- Re: The Sounds of Silence or Salinger's John fetish
- nothing rude, please, we're Americans Scottie Bowman
- irevulent Scottie Bowman
- irruvelant Scottie Bowman
- diagnostics Scottie Bowman
- Snooze Tim O'Connor
- Richard Ford Laughing Man
- new yorker William Hochman
- editors Scottie Bowman
- Story Mag
- Re: no gutter, just buns
- Killer Heston
- among the innocent Tim O'Connor
- magazine/compilation we submitted to
- Ray Carver jason varsoke
- Raise High The Roofbeam, Carpenters. John Page
- Spegunking! Camille Scaysbrook
- leaps of illogic, re. Carver and Kafka Laughing Man
- The Dreaming Man Laughing Man
- Carver and Dancing :)
- Congrats Camille. . .
- Thanks. Erin McLaughlin
- Box of birds Laughing Man
- Security Compromised: jason varsoke
- OT technicality Scottie Bowman
- "Seymour: A Disaster" or a "Kitsch Saint" Sundeep Dougal
- Re: Boffins & saving email Ed Fenning
- quentin and seymour rev. bob pigeon
- Re: Boffins & saving email Tim O'Connor
- Re: Boffins & saving email Cecilia A. Baader
- Re: Boffins & saving email Tim O'Connor
- Re: Boffins & saving email Ed Fenning
Last message date: Tue 31 Aug 1999 - 19:23:48 EDT
Archived on: Sat Sep 04 1999 - 20:43:41 EDT
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